Uniqueness of GRS
GRS is an evangelical-Reformed, missions-oriented seminary in North America, providing the following academic degree programs. GRS programs have been authorized by GNPEC (The Georgia Non-public Postsecondary Education Commission).
Ph.D/ICSM (Intercultural Studies & Ministries)
D. Min/ICM (Intercultural Ministry)
M.A/ICEM(Intercultural Education Ministries)
M.Div. (Master of Divinity: In preparation)
Certificate Programs (In preparation)
GRS is a new global-focused school in North America, operated by members of Korean churches to serve as a missions-oriented theological institution. GRS will use well-known American and Korean professors, teaching primarily in doctoral programs. In addition, at theological education centers throughout the world, GRS will use as teachers some graduates of D. Min. Programs from Reformed theological seminaries in the USA.
In keeping with its focus on global education, GRS seeks to take advantage of contemporary developments in the field of education. The approach GRS takes is also known as distributed learning. GRS does not invest in buildings or in a library. GRS partners with other institutions throughout the world in order to provide class room settings within a variety of cultural milieus. GRS plans to use current technology and traditional methods to provide an education that is excellent and up to date in keeping with its global focus. Therefore, GRS is neither local nor distant but both. Neither is it Web-based nor class room oriented, but both venues will be equally used by GRS.
Instead of having a library at GRS, all GRS students must establish lending privileges with a library with a collection that meets the stringent requirements of doctoral level study. Any student who fails to maintain lending privileges will not be able to continue in the GRS program.
GRS also uses various on-line forms of education. All students will develop on-line portfolios and engage in on-line interaction with other students and professors. The Seminary will use various on-line techniques as warranted by the course work.
Students in enrolled in GRS programs will be free to take courses from any center or on-line venue that meets their curricular requirements (although to be eligible for a degree, students must complete one-half of their course work at the main campus in Georgia). GRS teaches students.
Through well qualified faculty with demonstrated academic excellence, ministerial experience, and vibrant devotional life.
Through the students’ heart language for true educational effectiveness.
In order to foster genuine Christian relationships, GRS will develop mentoring and global internship programs as one means of providing biblically transformed leaders for our Lord’s Kingdom.
GRS is a unique global seminary that takes with utmost seriousness different people groups and their particular educational needs and contexts. GRS uses peer cohorts with well thought-out consideration for various student groups.
First generation Korean students in USA
Second (2.0) and 1.5 generation English speaking Korean students
English speaking students in other countries
Continuing education for recommended pastors
Missionaries, and church leader groups
Christian businessmen and CEOs
Lay leadership education
Women’s ministry & missions leadership education
Pastor’s wives and missionary wives education
GRS emphasizes
Accessibility rather than size for a more effective education.
Small Group Education for educational effectiveness (15 students for each class).
GRS is a global seminary to support nearly 10 seminaries throughout the world, while having a strong global partnership with evangelically Reformed theological seminaries for more effective theological education.